Cake, apple pie, homemade bread - boy does it smell good when baking, but if taken out too soon what disappointment. To couple the great smell with great taste it must remain in the oven until done. There's nothing worse than half-baked anything.
When baking bread every ingredient must be added and mixed together in order to become a deliciously done loaf. But if not placed in the oven it'll never become the intended product. You may not like where the Lord has you and you won't like the heat, but until you go into the oven everything that He's placed in you won't become the finished work He intended.
We can't be an absolute success for the Lord if we're half-baked believers; there's far too much at stake. The Lord is preparing us to touch another, but if we walk away from His divine oven we won't be done and ready to effectively minister.
Stick with it, don't quite or give up. He's prepared you to do great things that only come with heavenly heat.
Stay the course and His perfect work in you will smell so good and inviting to others they will want the same thing in their lives.
God is the one who began
this good work in you, and I am certain that he won't stop before
it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns. Philippians
Past Lighthouse Living Entries:
December 21, 2011 Create Impact
December 14, 2011 Unspeakable Love
December 7, 2011 That's A Wrap
November 30, 2011 Give Gift of HOPE
November 23, 2011 Foot Washing
November 16, 2011 Anti-Depression
November 2, 2011 Investment Portfolio
October 19, 2011 Take A Closer Look
October 12, 2011 A Deliberate God
September 21, 2011 Learning To Lean
September 7, 2011 Drink More Water
August 17, 2011 Stones of Provision
August 10, 2011 Chasing Rainbows
August 3, 2011 Great Expectations
June 29, 2011 One Nation Under God
June 22, 2011 Are You Listening?
June 15, 2011 You've Got Talent
April 27, 2011 Be Careful Little Mouth
April 20, 2011 Nothing To Save
March 23, 2011 Make Your Stand
March 9, 2011 Under Construction
Feb. 23, 2011 Use It OR Lose It
Feb. 16, 2011 What's On The Menu
Feb. 9, 2011 Meek Isn't Milk Toast
Feb. 2, 2011 Joy Comes In The Mourning
Jan. 5, 2011 Peacemakers VS Piece-makers
Dec. 8, 2010 Star Light, Star Bright
Oct. 27, 2010 Intended Purpose
Oct. 13, 2010 Today Is The Day
Sept. 22, 2010 Undiscovered Treasures
August 11, 2010 Spiritual Eyes
August 4, 2010 Heart of Worship
June 30, 2010 Structurally Sound
May 12, 2010 A Supporting Cast
February 24, 2010 Face To Face
February 17, 2010 Drifting With Purpose
January 27, 2010 Perfected In Obedience
January 20, 2010 Building Plan
December 16, 2009 Say It Loud And Proud
December 2, 2009 On Or Through
November 25, 2009 A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
November 18, 2009 The Veil Was Torn
October 28, 2009 Sing A New Song
October 21, 2009 A Time of Change
October 14, 2009 WDJD, not WWJD
October 7, 2009 Follow The Signs
September 30, 2009 Walk The Word
September 23, 2009 Are You Resting?
September 16, 2009 Not A Nothing
September 2, 2009 A Cracked Pot
August 12, 2009 Disappointment
July 22, 2009 What's In Your Wagon?
July 8, 2009 Let There Be Light
June 24, 2009 Feast During Famine