Packwood has two huge Flea Marts, Memorial Day and Labor Day Weekends.

The largest and oldest, more than25 years, is Labor Day weekend, technically Sat.-Mon. but some vendors are set up and in business even before Wed., and probably 40% of vendors are set up by Friday. At peak time which is Sat. pm, there will be over 300 vendors with perhaps 2,500 patrons walking through them. This would be for a good-weather weekend, although the crowd is still huge, probably 2,000, on a poor-weather weekend. This Flea Mart is believed to be the largest in southwest Washington.

The newer Flea Mart on Memorial Day weekend is also technically Sat.- Mon. but some vendors will be set up and open before Saturday. This Flea Mart is also large with perhaps 200 vendors with 1,500 persons walking through them.

All those who rent spaces have their own rules, so ask them. Issues to think about in addition to price are whether the vendor provides Sanikans and garbage service. A few can provide limited electric power, possibly even water hookups.

We invite you to come and sell a lot and most of all, have a great time in Packwood!

Flea Market Space Vendors

No one really has control of the Flea Markets, everybody more or less does their own thing.
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